During September 2-10, 2018, three representatives of YES Armenia – Mariam (22), Mane (21) and Victoria (22) – have participated in Pomegranate Project, implemented by YPIDA (Youth Participation and Intercultural Dialogue Association) Berlin in cooperation with Kleiner Fratz GmbH. under the Erasmus + Program.

YES and YPIDA Berlin are partnering for a long time and have jointly implemented various projects. This time the two organizations joined to bring together 37 participants from 14 countries to discuss the issues and challenges of social inclusion. The Pomegranate project included training sessions, study visits to FOTED Center, IMAGINARIES Migration Hub and Kleiner Fratz Kinder Garden, as well as networking and social events. Thanks to bringing together a very diverse group of young people, the project allowed the participants to learn good and bad practices related to social inclusion. Prior to joining the project each country team worked on collecting the data on refugees and their status in their home countries. The country teams presented their data, and after every presentation the floor was opened to discussions and possible solutions of the issues.

After a very intensive week spent in Berlin our participants returned back in Armenia ready to share the knowledge they’ve got with their friends, YES team members and fellow students in the University.

The Pomegranate was fully funded by EU Erasmus Plus – Mobility of Youth Program.

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