YES works primarily with the youth in Armenia’s rural areas with the focus on children from underprivileged families in border villages. While we acknowledge the importance of supporting all youth, it is often the case that some get more opportunities than others. Educational programs and institutions, as a rule of thumb, are first initiated in cities. Additionally, poverty rates are higher in villages, especially in border villages, where people also suffer from shootings and bombings from some of Armenia’s neighboring countries. Thus, we feel that providing opportunities to the youth in rural areas is a pressing issue.
No Poverty – YES is standing by children and their families in the fights against poverty, paying special attention to border rural communities. We provide the children with school kits, winter clothes and food packages, during the emergency state.
Quality Education is our strongest weapon against poverty and pushing to progress. YES is providing the opportunity to girls and boys to learn new things and increase the level of their skills and knowledge. Every year we hold educational camps – from art to IT.
Gender Equality is a necessary foundation for peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world, therefore YES is involving both – girls and boys – in all educational, leadership and self-development projects.
Climate Actions – climate changes affect every continent, every country and every community, therefore YES enlarged team does its best to prevent the climate change. We plant trees, we collect and recycle paper and plastic and we go green!
Partnerships for the Goals – we are stronger when we are united! YES is establishing partnerships between the local and international organizations, local governments to solve the urgent issues and reach the shared goals together!