YES ImPower Program for empowerment

YES ImPower Program for empowerment “What was the highlight of your 2021?” – We asked all 13 participants of the ImPower Youth Mentoring Program by YES. Every participant mentioned that meeting their mentor was one of the highlights of their year! YES created the ImPower Youth Mentorship program to foster lifelong connections

Protect ARTsakh

Protect ARTsakh In this unbearably hard times art gives us hope for the light and a brighter future. We are delighted and proud to join Protect ARTsakh: an online art auction that benefits relief efforts in Artsakh and Armenia. 60 phenomenal artists present 78 lots of exclusive pieces of contemporary artworks

Christmas Hug 2020

‘Tis the season to give a Christmas Hug 2020! Every New Year, YES brings the Christmas spirit to villages across Armenia! Due to our tireless work across the country, we are well-aware of children’s needs. This year, we are even more full of purpose as 24.000 children from Artsakh had to

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