Up & Up

Up & Up Ever wondered how to level UP the life of young people and to UP-lift our communities? The easiest way is to provide educational opportunities to the youth who wants to obtain new skills, profession and simultaneously improve their community. During the past year YES has piloted its Up&Up

YES ImPower Program for empowerment

YES ImPower Program for empowerment “What was the highlight of your 2021?” – We asked all 13 participants of the ImPower Youth Mentoring Program by YES. Every participant mentioned that meeting their mentor was one of the highlights of their year! YES created the ImPower Youth Mentorship program to foster lifelong connections

ZeRoRo 2019

August at YES was SUPER hot again! We were all very busy with ZeRoRo 2019! This time 27 students and volunteers learned how to code satellites to clean up space debris and rescue damaged satellites from space. How cool is that?!


During September 2-10, 2018, three representatives of YES Armenia - Mariam (22), Mane (21) and Victoria (22) - have participated in Pomegranate Project, implemented by YPIDA (Youth Participation and Intercultural Dialogue Association) Berlin in cooperation with Kleiner Fratz GmbH. under the Erasmus + Program.

ZeRoRo 2018

During June 8 – 22 for the first time ever in Armenia 17 students from four regions of Armenia (Shirak, Lori, Aragatsotn and Tavush) had a chance to participate in Zero Robotics (ZeRoRo) Armenia program.


We at YES were happy for a new chance to cooperate with YPIDA (Youth Participation and Intercultural Dialogue Association) Berlin and participate in CONNECTORS - a training course on alternative conflict resolution.

Community Service

YES is working with big number of young people in different regions of Armenia and strongly supports youth led initiatives aimed at bringing changes and improving local communities. We also think green and care much about nature and its resources!

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